Farmer-Centered Empowerment

AgriBEST is a remarkable project by MASS-SPECC that aims to empower smallholder farmers in Mindanao. The project organizes farmers into small groups or clusters, allowing them to collaborate and work towards common goals. This innovative approach, in collaboration with the German Development Cooperation (GIZ), under the Strengthening the Implementation of Regional and Local Peace and Development Agendas in Mindanao (SPADe) project, is a milestone achievement implemented over the next two years.
The project focuses on empowering 2,000 smallholder farmers, with a specific focus on women and youth farmers, representing 20% and 15% of the total, respectively. At least 10,000 household members will benefit from this initiative, which covers seven municipalities and one city across three regions. The primary objective is to increase the income of smallholder farmers by strengthening co-operatives’ capacity.
By pooling resources, sharing knowledge, and gaining better market opportunities, farmers can increase their bargaining power and earn more from their harvests. The project introduces the clustering approach, which organizes self-managed small groups of 10-15 members into clusters, providing them with improved technologies, business training, and consultation sessions.
AgriBEST contributes to achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) on poverty alleviation by empowering smallholder farmers and providing them with the necessary support, training, and resources. It also promotes environmental protection, community development, and peace and stability in Mindanao by advocating for sustainable agricultural practices, bringing farmers together, and fostering solidarity.
True to MASS-SPECC’s vision and mission, AgriBEST serves as a model for agricultural development projects. Its contributions to achieving the UN SDG on poverty alleviation, along with its impact on environmental protection, community development, and peace and stability in Mindanao, make it a project that embodies the organization’s commitment to making a lasting difference.