MASS-SPECC is dedicated to promoting gender equality and supporting the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). As a Gender Equality Resource Center (GERC), MASS-SPECC plays a vital role in fostering inclusivity and empowering women within the co-operative sector, aligning with SDG 5: Gender Equality.
MASS-SPECC is proud to serve as a Gender Equality Resource Center (GERC) in Mindanao, which was established through a partnership with GERC, Inc., a national advocacy group and training organization formed by the Asian Women in Cooperative Development Forum (AWCF), with the aim of enhancing focus and strengthening gender equality (GE) efforts within Philippine co-ops.
As a GERC, MASS-SPECC offers a comprehensive Gender Mainstreaming Program for Co-ops that includes resources, materials, tools, and training to support co-operatives in integrating gender and development initiatives into their organizations. MASS-SPECC conducts gender-related training sessions and forums, such as Gender Sensitivity Trainings (GST), to raise awareness and promote gender equality among co-operatives.
To assist co-ops in their gender journey, MASS-SPECC has developed a Gender Mainstreaming Manual for Co-operatives, which serves as a valuable resource guide. The manual aims to help co-ops become gender-fair organizations by recognizing the roles and contributions of women and men in co-operative development. By embracing gender equality, co-ops can positively impact the lives of their members and their communities.
MASS-SPECC recognizes that achieving gender equality requires the collective effort of everyone in the co-operatives. It encourages active participation and integration of gender and development in all aspects of co-op operations. The pursuit of gender equality should be a group endeavor, breaking barriers and transforming the lives of all women and men involved. While co-operatives can use the manual as a resource guide, MASS-SPECC also offers external assistance and collaboration opportunities to facilitate the GAD mainstreaming process.
MASS-SPECC actively organizes forums and events to raise awareness and facilitate discussions on gender equality. The federation also provides resources such as the GAD Assessment Tool and policy templates to support co-operatives in evaluating their progress and adopting a GAD approach that promotes fairness, equity, and equal participation.
With its strong commitment to gender equality, MASS-SPECC encourages co-operatives to engage in conversations and initiatives that promote gender equality and empower women beyond the co-operative movement. By working together, co-operatives can contribute to a more inclusive and just society.